Our New Enquiry Process efficiently ties down your requirements for us to maximise your return. The more information you give us, the better we can respond!
New Enquiry Process:
1) (Optional) Email your NDA/Confidentiality Agreement to us (Free NDA Template PDF). Please subject your emails “NDA REQUEST” and send to Enquiries@WoollenED.co.uk.
2) (Required) You provide us with your written/documented project proposal/problem definition for review. Please subject your emails “Requirements Specification” and send to Enquiries@WoollenED.co.uk.
3) We will then email you back with a selection of the following:
A) Estimation(s)
B) Quotation(s) with Fixed Price (FPC) and/or Time and Materials (TMC) based contract(s).
C) Appropriate fee schedule (see our basic fee schedules here).
D) FREE 15-minute mutual fact-finding session with a booking link.
E) Information request.
4) (Required) Send us your Purchase Order and/or pay online (a link will be provided).
For general queries, please either email us or use the contact form below. Thanks!